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Curriculum vitae
• University of Oregon: (2017)
Ph.D. Geological Sciences
• University of Idaho (2012)
M.S. Geology
• University of New Hampshire (2010)
B.S. Geology w/ Applied Math Minor
• Assistant Professor Montana State University (2018 - )
• Post-doctoral Research LMV, UCA (2017-2018)
• Graduate Teaching Fellowship • University of Oregon (2012-2017)
• East Asia Pacific Summer Institute Fellowship - Singapore • (2015)
• Idaho Geological Survey Internship • (2011)
• NSF GK-12 Fellowship • (2011-2012)
• Graduate Teaching Assistantship • University of Idaho (2010-2011)
Swallow, E.J. Wilson, C.J.N., Myers, M.L., Wallace, P.J. (Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology) Evacuation of multiple magma bodies and the onset of caldera collapse in a supereruption, captured in glass and mineral chemistries
Myers, M.L., Wallace, P.J., Wilson, C.J.N., Walkins, J., Liu, Y., Morgan, D. (American Mineralogist) Ascent rates of rhyolitic magma during the opening stages of explosive caldera-forming eruptions LINK
Miller, S. A., Myers, M., Fahnestock, M. F., Bryce, J. G., & Blichert-Toft, J. (2017). Magma dynamics of ancient Mt. Etna inferred from clinopyroxene isotopic and trace element systematics. Geochemical Perspective Letters, 4, 47-52.
Regier, M., Hervig, R.L., Myers, M.L., Roggensack, K., Wilson, Colin J.N., (2016) Analyzing nitrogen in natural and synthetic silicate glasses by secondary ion mass spectrometry. Chemical Geology.
Myers, M.L., Wallace, P.J., Wilson, C.J.N, Morter, B.J., and Swallow, E.J. Prolonged ascent and episodic venting of discrete magma batches at the onset of the Huckleberry Ridge supereruption, Yellowstone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. PDF
Myers, M.L., Geist, D.J., Rowe, M.C., Harpp, K.S., Wallace, P.J., and Dufek, J. (2014) Replenishment of volatile-rich mafic magma into a degassed chamber drives mixing and eruption of Tungurahua volcano. Bulletin of Volcanology, 76 (11), 1-17. PDF
Myers, M. L, Wallace, P.J., Wilson, C. J. N., Morter, B.K., and Swallow, E.J. Prolonged ascent and episodic venting of discrete magma batches at the onset of the Huckleberry Ridge supereruption, Yellowstone. AGU Poster Session (2015). Abstract
Wallace, P.J., Myers, M.L., Wilson, C.J.N. Inferring Magma Ascent Times and Conduit Processes for Rhyolitic Eruptions Using Diffusive Loss of Hydrogen From Melt Inclusions. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015.
Wilson, C.J.N., Barker, S., Myers, M.L., Swallow. E. J., Wallace, P.J. Timescales of Human Interest in the Geological Records of Rhyolite Eruptions. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015.
Myers, M. L, Wallace, P.J., and Wilson, C. J. N. Timescales associated with the opening phase of large caldera forming eruptions. AGU Oral Presentation (2014) Abstract
Myers, M. L, Wallace, P.J., and Wilson, C. J. N. Timescales of depressurization and ascent at the onset of the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff eruption. Goldschmidt Oral Presentation (2014). Abstract
Myers, M.L., and Wallace, P.J. Volatiles in large crystal-rich dacitic magma chambers: insights from the Cebolla Creek Ignimbrite, San Juan Volcanic Field, Colorado. IAVCEI Poster Session (2013). Abstract
Miller, S.A., Myers, M.L., Bryce, J.G., Blichert-Toft, J. Magma dynamics beneath the ancient Mt. Etna: Clinopyroxene isotopic and thermobarometric constraints. Goldschmidt Abstract, 2012.
Myers, M.L., Geist, D.J., Rowe, M.C., Harpp, K.S., and Dufek, J. Melt inclusion data from the July/August 2006 and May 2010 eruptions of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. AGU Poster Session (2011). Abstract
• UO Research Excellence Award (2016)
• Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology (MGPV) Division Award • (2015)
• Geological Society of America Research Award • (2015)
• East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute Fellowship• (2015)
• U.S.G.S. Jack Kleinman Memorial Fund for Volcano Research• (2013)
• Geological Society of America Lipman Research Award • (2013)
• Waters of the West NSF Fellowship • (2011)
• Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship • (2008)
• GeoPRISMS RIE TEI Workshop • (2017)
• Commission on Caldera Collapse • (2016)
• Tephra Workshop • (2014)
• Melts, Gases & Magmas Short Course • (2014)
• Geogirls Volunteer • (2017)
• Board Member for Women in Graduate Science, and Graduate Advisory Council • (2016-2017)
• Chair of the Joint Undergraduate Graduate Mentorship Program • (2016-2017)
• Mentor in the Joint Undergraduate Graduate Mentorship Program • (2015-2016)
Undergraduate Senior Research Thesis
· Chloe Elliot (2016-2017) Petrologic investigation of the Cebolla Creek Tuff
· Claire M. Getz (2015-2016; now at University of Arizona pursuing a M.S) Quantifying pumice textures from the initial fall deposit of the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff
· Beth J. Morter (2014-2015; now in Kansas Sate pursuing a M.S.) Major, trace, and volatile analysis of obsidian pyroclasts from the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff
Volcanology (2016) • My duties for this first time offered undergraduate volcanology class were to design and implement homework assignments and labs, including creating the final project. I designed this project to use Tephra2, a program that allowed students to model the parameters and interpret hazards associated with volcanic plumes. The nature of the homework assignments required weekly math/excel tutorials and additional office hours.
Petrology (2015) • Teaching revolved around organizing, teaching, and grading labs for upper level Geology majors, with the focus strongly on igneous and metamorphic mineral identification and phase assemblages. The emphasis was strongly on thin section identification, although rock identification was also incorporated.
Aqueous Geochemistry (2014) • My responsibilities involved restructuring labs to accommodate an updated system, teaching labs exercises, holding office hours, and grading all homework and laboratory assignments. Most of the material involved low-temperature geochemistry, mineral stability, and thermodynamics applied to aqueous systems.
Mineralogy (2013 & 2014) • Duties included prepping, creating, teaching, and grading labs oriented to first year mineralogy students. Subjects ranged from miller indices and crystal structure, to optical orientation and microscope usage.
9th grade Physical Science (2011-2012) • Through the GK-12 Waters of the West program I was placed in a 9th grade classroom and with the assistance of a licensed science teacher, taught Physical Science for one school year to 9th grade students. This program involved revamping existing materials to promote inquiry-based learning in the classroom.
• University of Oregon: (2017)
Ph.D. Geological Sciences
• University of Idaho (2012)
M.S. Geology
• University of New Hampshire (2010)
B.S. Geology w/ Applied Math Minor
• Assistant Professor Montana State University (2018 - )
• Post-doctoral Research LMV, UCA (2017-2018)
• Graduate Teaching Fellowship • University of Oregon (2012-2017)
• East Asia Pacific Summer Institute Fellowship - Singapore • (2015)
• Idaho Geological Survey Internship • (2011)
• NSF GK-12 Fellowship • (2011-2012)
• Graduate Teaching Assistantship • University of Idaho (2010-2011)
Swallow, E.J. Wilson, C.J.N., Myers, M.L., Wallace, P.J. (Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology) Evacuation of multiple magma bodies and the onset of caldera collapse in a supereruption, captured in glass and mineral chemistries
Myers, M.L., Wallace, P.J., Wilson, C.J.N., Walkins, J., Liu, Y., Morgan, D. (American Mineralogist) Ascent rates of rhyolitic magma during the opening stages of explosive caldera-forming eruptions LINK
Miller, S. A., Myers, M., Fahnestock, M. F., Bryce, J. G., & Blichert-Toft, J. (2017). Magma dynamics of ancient Mt. Etna inferred from clinopyroxene isotopic and trace element systematics. Geochemical Perspective Letters, 4, 47-52.
Regier, M., Hervig, R.L., Myers, M.L., Roggensack, K., Wilson, Colin J.N., (2016) Analyzing nitrogen in natural and synthetic silicate glasses by secondary ion mass spectrometry. Chemical Geology.
Myers, M.L., Wallace, P.J., Wilson, C.J.N, Morter, B.J., and Swallow, E.J. Prolonged ascent and episodic venting of discrete magma batches at the onset of the Huckleberry Ridge supereruption, Yellowstone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. PDF
Myers, M.L., Geist, D.J., Rowe, M.C., Harpp, K.S., Wallace, P.J., and Dufek, J. (2014) Replenishment of volatile-rich mafic magma into a degassed chamber drives mixing and eruption of Tungurahua volcano. Bulletin of Volcanology, 76 (11), 1-17. PDF
Myers, M. L, Wallace, P.J., Wilson, C. J. N., Morter, B.K., and Swallow, E.J. Prolonged ascent and episodic venting of discrete magma batches at the onset of the Huckleberry Ridge supereruption, Yellowstone. AGU Poster Session (2015). Abstract
Wallace, P.J., Myers, M.L., Wilson, C.J.N. Inferring Magma Ascent Times and Conduit Processes for Rhyolitic Eruptions Using Diffusive Loss of Hydrogen From Melt Inclusions. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015.
Wilson, C.J.N., Barker, S., Myers, M.L., Swallow. E. J., Wallace, P.J. Timescales of Human Interest in the Geological Records of Rhyolite Eruptions. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015.
Myers, M. L, Wallace, P.J., and Wilson, C. J. N. Timescales associated with the opening phase of large caldera forming eruptions. AGU Oral Presentation (2014) Abstract
Myers, M. L, Wallace, P.J., and Wilson, C. J. N. Timescales of depressurization and ascent at the onset of the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff eruption. Goldschmidt Oral Presentation (2014). Abstract
Myers, M.L., and Wallace, P.J. Volatiles in large crystal-rich dacitic magma chambers: insights from the Cebolla Creek Ignimbrite, San Juan Volcanic Field, Colorado. IAVCEI Poster Session (2013). Abstract
Miller, S.A., Myers, M.L., Bryce, J.G., Blichert-Toft, J. Magma dynamics beneath the ancient Mt. Etna: Clinopyroxene isotopic and thermobarometric constraints. Goldschmidt Abstract, 2012.
Myers, M.L., Geist, D.J., Rowe, M.C., Harpp, K.S., and Dufek, J. Melt inclusion data from the July/August 2006 and May 2010 eruptions of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. AGU Poster Session (2011). Abstract
• UO Research Excellence Award (2016)
• Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology (MGPV) Division Award • (2015)
• Geological Society of America Research Award • (2015)
• East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute Fellowship• (2015)
• U.S.G.S. Jack Kleinman Memorial Fund for Volcano Research• (2013)
• Geological Society of America Lipman Research Award • (2013)
• Waters of the West NSF Fellowship • (2011)
• Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship • (2008)
• GeoPRISMS RIE TEI Workshop • (2017)
• Commission on Caldera Collapse • (2016)
• Tephra Workshop • (2014)
• Melts, Gases & Magmas Short Course • (2014)
• Geogirls Volunteer • (2017)
• Board Member for Women in Graduate Science, and Graduate Advisory Council • (2016-2017)
• Chair of the Joint Undergraduate Graduate Mentorship Program • (2016-2017)
• Mentor in the Joint Undergraduate Graduate Mentorship Program • (2015-2016)
Undergraduate Senior Research Thesis
· Chloe Elliot (2016-2017) Petrologic investigation of the Cebolla Creek Tuff
· Claire M. Getz (2015-2016; now at University of Arizona pursuing a M.S) Quantifying pumice textures from the initial fall deposit of the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff
· Beth J. Morter (2014-2015; now in Kansas Sate pursuing a M.S.) Major, trace, and volatile analysis of obsidian pyroclasts from the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff
Volcanology (2016) • My duties for this first time offered undergraduate volcanology class were to design and implement homework assignments and labs, including creating the final project. I designed this project to use Tephra2, a program that allowed students to model the parameters and interpret hazards associated with volcanic plumes. The nature of the homework assignments required weekly math/excel tutorials and additional office hours.
Petrology (2015) • Teaching revolved around organizing, teaching, and grading labs for upper level Geology majors, with the focus strongly on igneous and metamorphic mineral identification and phase assemblages. The emphasis was strongly on thin section identification, although rock identification was also incorporated.
Aqueous Geochemistry (2014) • My responsibilities involved restructuring labs to accommodate an updated system, teaching labs exercises, holding office hours, and grading all homework and laboratory assignments. Most of the material involved low-temperature geochemistry, mineral stability, and thermodynamics applied to aqueous systems.
Mineralogy (2013 & 2014) • Duties included prepping, creating, teaching, and grading labs oriented to first year mineralogy students. Subjects ranged from miller indices and crystal structure, to optical orientation and microscope usage.
9th grade Physical Science (2011-2012) • Through the GK-12 Waters of the West program I was placed in a 9th grade classroom and with the assistance of a licensed science teacher, taught Physical Science for one school year to 9th grade students. This program involved revamping existing materials to promote inquiry-based learning in the classroom.